358 Security Fencing

Today we will look at one of high security fence product——-358 Security Fencing. It is a kind of small mesh fencing products. Just because of its small mesh, it is anti-cut and anti-climb, it certainly will be very high security.

Today let us talk about the 358 Security Fencing design, because of the small meshes of the 358 security fencing, the 358 security fencing usually are used for the projects that needs high security requirement. Then let us talk about some security projects that involved the 358 security fencing.

The first choice, you can select the 358 security fence only, as we know, the mesh size for the 358 security fence is small enough to resist cut or climbing. So only with the high security fence itself, the security factor is already very high. If you are still worried about the security, you can add the height of the 358 security fence, but if too high, it will not be easy for transportation and loading.

The second choice, add the barbed wire on the top of the 358 security fencing. To put the barbed wire on the top of the 358 security fencing, it needs a arm on the post. For the most projects, it will add 3 lines of the barbed wire on the top of the 358 security fencing, to lock the barbed wire we can drill hole on the arm. It can also add the V arm on the top of the 358 security fencing, it will be securer.

The third choice, add the concertina razor wire on the top of the 358 security fencing. To put the concertina razor wire on the top, it needs the Y post to put the concertina razor wire in the V arm. Then it is almost same as the Airport Fence, but the fence panel beside is the 358 security fencing. But this one will cost more, to reduce the cost of the fence, it can use the angle steel to replace the V arm, but you don’t worry it won’t be security, you can also add the barbed wire on the angle steel to fix the concertina razor wire well.

For the higher security, you can select the other security methods to put on the fence, for example, the electricity, etc. You can have your own choice or find our expert for help. We are ready here!

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