Razor wire price maybe the first thing you would look at before you decide to make a fencing project. Why? Because it’s simply impossible to make a project without the budget being figured out! To help you understand razor wire, here I’ll walk you through the common razor wire types.

Concertina razor wire.

This type of razor wire is probably the most common one. The razor wire if formed by blade strips wrapping a steel spring wire. The core wire being wrapped is very elastic so it has very good extensibility. The razor wire price is higher than the other types. The usage of this type of razor wire is often atop walls. And the other application scenario is stick on the ground, usually in military.

Flatwrap razor wire.

This is another common razor wire that’s being used all over the world. The razor wire forms a circle then being welded together to be a blat circle hand in hand. This is often used on atop wall and stick to fence panels as well. The razor wire price for this kind is a little lower than the concertina razor wire due to the less circles being used. So it’s more economic than the last one.

Welded razor mesh.

This razor wire product is however less common. But many customers buy the item for it’s effectiveness. The razor mesh if formed by welding two lines of razor wire forming a diamond shape. It’s good looking and quite effective. The razor wire price for this item however is the highest.

Now you know all the razor wire product out there and the price difference as well. Need help on the specification or anything else, our fencing export would be more than happy to help! Contact us and get your free quotes now!

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