Weld Wire Fence Panels – An simple yet very popular fence system.

Weld wire fence panels is being used everywhere around the globe. Welded fence panels are the main component of welded wire fence systems. This is a very popular yet simple fence system being used in modern architecture.

Generally speaking, weld wire fence panels can have many different designs according to customers’ requirement. The common design however is welding horizontal and vertical wires together to form a panel of rectangular mesh openings. Sometimes though, the mesh opening can also be square openings but this is not very common situation.

Apart from the mesh openings, the most significant characteristic about weld wire fence panels is the folds or curves you might call that on the panels. That’s the reason why some people call welded wire mesh fence 3d wire mesh fence. The folds can also have different sizes. The most common ones are 100mm and 200mm vertically.

The most common rectangular mesh opening is 50mm with 200mm horizontally and vertically. Some customer may need 50mm with 100mm which is less common comparing to the previous one.

Usually the wire diameter of the weld wire fence panels vary from 3.0mm to 6.0mm. In most projects, we would like to recommend the diameter of 4.0mm or 5.0mm. The reason is with these two diameters, the welded wire mesh panels can be quite strong and at the same time, the cost of the whole system will not be too high which is also an important factor when customers are placing orders.

Besides the welded wire mesh panels itself, there are also some fittings or accessories you might call it that form the whole fence system. These are mainly the post or column and connection clamps. The standard post for weld wire fence panels is square post and the standard clamp is PVC or metal clamps.

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