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Address: #4-1-1001, No.16, Huaqingnan Rd, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China. Post Code: 050000
Tel: (0086) 132-3111-6517

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metal surface finishing

Metal Surface Finishing

Difference in Metal surface finishing In fence producing step, there’s usually a surface treatment after the product is accomplished to increase the service life of the metal fence. If you are choosing a metal fence, there’s about five types of the metal surface finishing method for you to choose: electric galvanized, electric galvanized + polyester powder coated, electric galvanized..

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steel wire mesh panels

Steel Wire Mesh Panels

The Design of the steel wire mesh panels Steel wire mesh panels is one of the most popular fencing in skyhall fencing. What makes it different is its unique design which has ever won the french industrial design award, besides, it also got it letters patent for its aristocratic temperament and convenient installment. The special design of the steel wire mesh panels..

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pvc coated chain link fence panels

Pvc Coated Chain Link Fence Panels

The Introduction of The pvc coated chain link fence panels PVC coated chain link fence panels also known as diamond mesh fence, when molded, it has a mesh with a diamond form. With the high quality galvanized wire or PVC wire, also some with the stainless steel wire warped as a fixed shape, through rotate the wire which has been warped along the other..

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galvanized palisade fencing

Galvanized Palisade Fencing

Galvanized Palisade Fencing in Skyhall Fence Galvanized palisade fence also called palisade fence. It is known for more and more people. Now let me introduce this kind of fence for you. The height, width, we can produce according to your requirement. The normal width is 2750cm panel width is 2710cm. The panel of the fence usually 50cm above the ground…

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