Field fences are the 230 series of the Skyhall Fence family. It is widely used for the animal fences due to its high impact and economical price. Then let us see the features of the field fences.

Hinged knot of Field Fences

To prevent the hurt to the animals, the knot of the field fences are very friendly. There are usually two kinds of the knots, one is the hinged knot, the other is the knotted one. The difference between the two knots is the knot of the knotted mesh is separated with the horizontal wire and vertical wire. While the hinged knot fence is the vertical wire wrapped on the horizontal wires. Both of the knots are very friendly to the animals, even the cattle or horse hit the fences, it won’t hurt them.

Different wire spacing

Another unique design of the field fences is the horizontal wire spacing. The horizontal wire spacing for the field fences are smaller and smaller in the bottom. This kind of design is in order to prevent the little animal to go through. So when you want to pick the field fences, you need to provide the horizontal wire numbers and the spacing between the horizontal wires. We can give you the typical one according to BSEN 10223-5.

High zinc coating

To let the field fences not be rusty, the surface treatment of the field fences is very strong. The zinc coating of the field fences can up to 200g/m2, or even more. That is to mean, the field fences are well protected by the high zinc coating. So when you choose the field fences, you should less worry about its performance on the corrosion or rusty. If you need, we can also provide the zinc coating test for the goods you buy.

So want to purchase a good economical field fences, just come to our experts online!

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