358 Fence is a kind of welded fence, but because of its small mesh size, make the 358 fence more different from other welded fences. During the last decades, 358 fence has already been proofed that it’s a kind of special wire mesh fence with very high security function.

First of all, the small mesh 76.2mm*12.7mm make the 358 fence looks different. No matter big animal like human, cattle, sheep, or tiny animal such as mouse, rabbit, etc, will be blocked out of the fence. The 358 fence just like a steel wall, block all the animals who trying to go through the fence. The small mesh also can prevent people from climbing or cutting it. If anyone trying to climb the fence, his finger can not go through such small mesh. If they want to cut the wire off, the cutter also can not go inside of the small mesh. Even 358 fence has the high security feature, it looks gentle and nice, not like razor wire and barbed wire brings a lot of violence feeling to people.

Moreover, the reason why it called 358 fence because of its size. “3” means the horizontal size of the mesh is 3 inch (76.2mm). “5” means the vertical size of the mesh is 0.5 inch (12.7mm). “8” means the wire thickness is BWG 8 gauge (thickness around 4.0mm). 358 fence was invented in America and it’s one of the standard in ASTM.

Normally the 358 fence use in prison, county boundary, military zone or airport because of its high security feature. Some people use it for the bottom of farm fence to block small animals, but because of its small mesh, the cost of 358 fence is much higher than other kind of welded mesh fence. In order to reduce the cost, Skyhall Fence invented another kind of high security fence which is similar with 358 fence. The difference is to change the mesh to be 100mm*15mm, then the cost will be reduce to 70% of original 358 fence. However, the high security function is almost same as 358 fence.

If you need more information or need quotation, please contact us from email: info@skyhall-fence.com

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358 fence